Yemen Breakfast Club

Yemen Breakfast Club

Nourishing Yemen’s Future

The Yemen Breakfast Club tackles malnutrition and limited education access in Yemen. We provide nutritious meals to vulnerable children daily, supporting their learning and boosting school attendance. Our holistic approach also includes rehabilitating school WASH facilities to improve overall health. The programme has benefited 719 students and staff and is now expanding to serve 1,119 across three schools. We’re increasing school enrollment and attendance by alleviating family food insecurity concerns. A nutritious breakfast helps children concentrate better, enhances their academic performance, and opens doors to a brighter future.

The Yemen Breakfast Club does more than feed children,
it uplifts entire families.

We alleviate a significant financial burden for struggling parents by providing daily nutritious meals. This relief allows families to allocate resources to other critical needs, improving household stability. Moreover, knowing their children are well-fed at school, parents can focus on work or caring for younger siblings.

How You Can Help

Your support allows us to bring education to rural and underserved areas, giving children the chance to thrive.

Breakfast for 10 children

£15 Can provide breakfast for ten children for a day. Donate Now

Breakfast for 40 children

£60 Can provide breakfast for forty children for a day. Donate Now

Breakfast for 80 children

£120Can provide breakfast for eighty children for a day. Donate Now

Without your support, Yemeni children face hunger, missed education, and limited futures. Breakfast Club

The Yemen Breakfast Club significantly boosts educational outcomes. Well-nourished students show improved concentration and energy levels, leading to better academic performance. Regular nutritious meals have reduced absenteeism and increased enrollment rates across our schools. Teachers report more engaged and attentive classrooms, fostering a positive learning environment. By addressing hunger, we’re removing a critical barrier to education, paving the way for brighter futures, and breaking the cycle of poverty.

A closer look

The UN reports that approximately 17 million people
face acute

food insecurity in Yemen.

Donate For Street Children
Donate a Breakfast

O Allah, bless us in our Yemen.


Students are provided with a daily breakfast.


Increase in student attendance due to our Breakfast Club.


Increase in academic improvement due to our Breakfast Club.

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