Who are we?

We are a collective of 100 like-minded and kind-hearted individuals who cannot sit by and let others suffer. We love for others what we love for ourselves. We lead by example and act with sincerity and kindness.

Allah loves kindness, He is the Most Kind and this is one of the most beloved attributes to Him.

We believe our small but collective good deeds will leave a legacy and long-lasting impact in the world. If we start by changing one life at a time, we can begin to truly change the world Inshaa’Allah.

Our purpose

We believe education is the tool to eradicate poverty. It empowers impoverished communities and allows them to help themselves. In the light of global pandemics and disasters, education is often forgotten.

This is why the 100 Club will build much-needed schools in the remote areas of Pakistan and Kashmir for underprivileged children and orphans. These schools run on a self-supportive basis and meet their operational expenditure through local resources.

So how does it work?

Each member has the choice of either donating £1200 as a one-off payment, or £100 on a 12-month Direct Debit.  Alternatively, if you wanted, we can set up a JustGiving fundraising page for you.  With a target of £1200 you can share with your family, friends and work colleagues who can support you to achieve this goal. It all starts with an intention to do good so let’s work together to make it into a reality (remember this project is zakat eligible!).

Imagine building an entire school between us all every single year, with regular monthly construction updates. Before you know it, there will be hundreds of schools built with thousands of children learning simply because of your beautiful donation.

However, we don’t want to shout about this, as we do what we can as quietly as we can, in the hope that Allah is pleased with our actions Inshaa’Allah.

“Those who spend their money in the night and in the day, secretly and openly, they will have their reward with their Lord, there is no fear over them nor will they grieve.” [Quran 2:274]

If you would like to know more, or want to get involved then please do contact me and let’s be part of something special.


The 100 Club – A hundred reasons to give. 

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