How Much Is Fidya for Ramadan 2025 in the UK? A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how much Fidya is for Ramadan 2025 in the UK with this comprehensive guide.
Muslim Paying Fidya

Fidya and Its Significance

Fidya refers to a religious donation made as compensation for missing fasts during Ramadan due to valid reasons.

It serves as a substitute for fasting when an individual is unable to observe it due to extreme weakness caused by old age or any illness.

The Quranic basis for Fidya is found in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g. an old man), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a poor person (for every day).” [Al-Baqarah 2:184]

Who is Required to Pay Fidya?

Fidya becomes an obligation for individuals who cannot fast during Ramadan for legitimate reasons and are unable to make up for the missed fasts later. This includes:

–  Elderly Muslims who cannot fast due to age or health issues

–  Severely ill people who cannot fast

–  Those suffering from chronic illnesses that prevent fasting

–  Individuals with long-term health conditions that make fasting impossible

It’s important to note that Fidya is only applicable if the individual will miss fasts due to an illness that prevents them from making up for them later.

If they can fast after recovering from illness or a condition like pregnancy, they must make up for missed fast instead of paying Fidya.

Difference between Fidya and Kaffarah

While both Fidya and Kaffarah are forms of religious compensation, they differ in several key aspects:

Reason for payment:

–  Fidya is paid when a fast is missed for valid reasons

–  If someone breaks a fast without a valid reason, then he/she must pay Kaffarah.


–  Fidya involves feeding one poor person for each missed fast

–  Kaffarah requires feeding 60 poor people for each day of intentionally broken fast


–  Fidya only involves feeding the poor or providing monetary equivalent

–  Kaffarah involves fasting for 60 consecutive days if one cannot afford to feed 60 people

Understanding these differences is important for Muslims to fulfil their religious obligations correctly during Ramadan.

How Much is Fidya For Ramadan

Expected Fidya Amount for 2025 in the UK

The Fidya amount for Ramadan 2025 in the UK is expected to be between £4 and £5 per day of missed fast.

The exact amount must be confirmed closer to the start of Ramadan.

Factors Influencing the Fidya Calculation

The Fidya amount is determined based on several factors:

–  Cost of local staple foods: The calculation is based on the price of wheat, rice, or the local staple crop where the person resides.

–  Meal costs: Fidya should cover the cost of providing two meals a day to a person in need.

–  Economic conditions: The price may fluctuate yearly due to changes in food prices and overall economic factors.

–  Local customs: Some organisations may adjust the amount based on local practices and living standards.

Calculating Fidya for the Entire Ramadan

To calculate Fidya for the entire month of Ramadan 2025:

–  Determine the daily Fidya rate (expected to be between £4 and £5).

–  Multiply the daily rate by the number of days in Ramadan (typically 29 or 30 days).

For example:

–  At £4 per day: £4 x 30 days = £120 for the entire month.

–  At £5 per day: £5 x 30 days = £150 for the entire month.

When calculating your Fidya, consider consulting with a local Islamic authority or reputable charity for the most accurate and up-to-date information specific to your area.

Also, note that the final amount may vary slightly depending on the exact daily rate set for the year and the number of days in Ramadan that year.

Muslim Giving Fidya

When and How to Pay Fidya?

Timing of Fidya payment

Fidya should ideally be paid before or during Ramadan. However, if you cannot do so, paying after Ramadan is also acceptable.

Paying Fidya before Ramadan allows the donation to feed those in need during the holy month.

Acceptable methods of payment

There are several acceptable methods to pay Fidya:

–  Monetary donations: Most charitable organisations accept Fidya payments.

–  Food donations: You can provide meals directly to those in need, although this is less common in the UK.

–  Online payments: Many Islamic charities offer the option to pay Fidya through their websites, making it convenient for donors.

Organisations Accepting Fidya Donations in the UK

When choosing an organisation to donate your Fidya, ensure it is a registered charity with a good reputation for effectively distributing funds.

Many organisations use Fidya donations to provide meals to those in need, both in the UK and impoverished areas worldwide.

Maximising the Benefits of Fidya

As we approach Ramadan 2025, understanding and fulfiling Fidya obligations presents an opportunity to make a significant impact.

By paying the expected £4 to £5 per day, we adhere to our religious duties and contribute to a larger cause of compassion and community support.

To maximise the benefits of Fidya, consider researching reputable UK-based charities that distribute funds to those in need, both locally and globally.

Some organisations use Fidya donations to provide nutritious meals, support education initiatives, or fund healthcare projects in underprivileged areas.

Remember, the true essence of Fidya lies not just in the act of giving but in the positive change it brings to people’s lives.


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