About Dhul-Hijjah

Inspiring Change in the World through Education

There is no deed more precious in the sight of Allah, nor greater in reward, than a good deed done during the ten days of Sacrifice”–Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

A month of blessings and increased spirituality, how fortunate we are to welcome the sacred month of Dhul-Hijjah. The first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah are among the holiest and most powerful days of the Islamic calendar year – and they are upon us.

Even with so many held back from performing Hajj once again this year, these days are a mercy and a chance to be closer to Allah through acts of worship, fasting and acts of kindness – the best of deeds.

This Dhul-Hijjah, we encourage you to go above and beyond your obligations by dedicating your Sadaqah to the most vulnerable of people around the world.

Let’s make the most of these days.

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